Sunday, October 16, 2011

no title

no body can warning of what will you do, just do it, dont thing effect next. (what are you wanna do, do it.....!), if somebody complain or not like and  thing you apart some shit, easy so say (what the fuck.......!), suddenly some police come and arrest you, cause you offense for somebody. i suggest you say (who care .....!). believe your self you can be championt in your life. the subjek is (zero to hero.....!). but still some people around of you, laugh you even more load. tell him (are you nuts.......!). alright that 5 point,about content of artikel. if you wanna more what the fucking point is....? some shit or  joke or crap. you see below word "selengkapnya" just click it, then what happent next, you can know what the mean point is.....

1. what are you wanna do, do it.....!
it was such clasic Quote, but did you ever thing, if sometime you wanna do, in your mind merely afraid and thingking about it was finally you dont do it, cause scared. definetly what did you do is was not false, just thing of a stuff more and the best. though, if you can't  handle a pure courage in your heart as such what i say "you never to try to do".

instance, many people say the mount everest is imposible to be conguering to summit, cause it have fucking extremelty field. but someone didt believe about it, he just kept trust about pure courage. then what happen. he is was first human can defeat all obstacle then got the peak. so do i, here just wrote something even i didt know what the purpose i have, just go on. maybe it can usefull or not. the impotant it you are brave to do it.

2. so what the fuck.......!
if somebody rejected to you or what had your creation is not good apreciete. just say "what the fuck".dont you react over about opinion  everyone about you, then is totaly untrue. just say "what the fuck"it pretty enough i thing. in indonesiaan people the word "what the fuck" is unappropriete such dirty word. cause many people is not what the mean so far diffrent in america or west country. it such like normal word though. so the point what mean is. all of you say it like normal respon and expresion. finally if you dont agree with me. i say what the fuck....!

3. who care .....!
care or dont care it same type, that all full of crap. why i argue like that. for example, when you really fucking care about life, one question to you. what  is had far contribute you for each other, normally human is individual caracter, as far they care is just kick out some stuff because they have lots. otherside, dont care similiar but quite diffrent, the the diffrent is on objek.  just thing of it deeply dude.

4. zero to hero.....!
now is point four, "zero to hero". what the heck mean it? ya it seem like inspire word. really i am not motivator or some crafts have good apperance and knowledge. this so far if you imagine that. zero is mean noting, hero is where you feel totally awesome and everybody in the world idol of you. thus, if you noting now, it mean you are not totaly loser.just you dont know how had manage your potensial. to be awesome.

5. are you nuts.......!
one day some jerk tell you..! you are  most crazy person i ever seen, just calm down. just thing of moment. cazy or nuts it mean you have good vision, brave, never give up, and attractive

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