iseng -iseng buat ngisi waktu luang gw mencoba beberapa cerita lucu dalam bahasa inggris...let cek this one out
1. a mother and son are talking through a cementry and pass by headstone inscribed "here lies a good lawyer and honest man". the little boy reads the headstone. look up at his mother and asks. mommy why did they bury two men
2. after discovering that they have won 15 million pound in the lottery, mr and mrs jhon sat down to discuss thier future. mrs jhon announced after twenty years of washing other people stairs. ican throw my old scrubbing brush away at the last. her husband agreed. of course you can. honey. we can easily afford to buy yoou a new one
3. by mistake, sandy put a 50 pence coin instead of 5 pence on the collection plate at church. despite his enteries. the minister refused to give it back to him. so for the next nine week. when the plate was passsed round. he passed it on saying "season ticket"
4. a man goes to the doctor and say. doctor whatever i touch, it hurt...the doctor say ...what do you mean young boy? the man say ..when i touch my shoulder it hurt. if i touch my knee ...fuck that hurt doc.."yeah iknow what wrong with you. you have broken finger.......moron"
5. a :just take look that young person with the short hair like shit and blue jeans bad taste. what do you thing dude it boy or girls....?it girls man ...come on are you blind..fuck off that my doughter....are you kidding me ...dude i didnt know you were her son of bitch...iam not, iam her
6. hei what up bro..what going on why are you crying?......the fucking elephent is dead....are seriously, well it your pets or your shit? dude, you dont understand. iam the only one, who dig his
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